Violin & Piano
Student Works
by Peter Arnstein
Conversations for violin and piano
The piano parts of these nine pieces contain no intervals larger than a seventh. The musical ideas are passed back and forth between the two instruments, like in a Brahms sonata, but at a much easier level; the two parts are sometimes playful, sometimes argumentative, but always equal. As is usual for a violin and piano work, the piano part contains the violin part; but, most unusally, the violin part also contains the complete piano part, so that the two musicians can learn the entire work on an equal basis.
Hammer Hop
Mozart Forgot
Dogs Chasing Tails
Tis a Joy to be Mournful
Jasmine Flower
Liuyang River
Scales and Pits
A Finely Tuned Machine
Conversations has also been arranged as a group of duets for two violins, violin and cello, and violin and viola.